Gardener's Own
Growing healthy, strong plants has been an integral part of what Mike Weber Greenhouses Inc.'s mission. Gardener's Own was created so that the consumer could place a name with the quality plants that they have been enjoying for more than 20 years.

We have a full line of 91 herbs with most of them being available year-round. These include Sweet Italian Basil as the most popular, followed by Rosemary and Parsleys. There are a wide range of culinary herbs as well as aromatics like Lavender, Bee Balm, Germainder and Thyme.

Mike Weber Greenhouses, Inc. has become the premier grower for perennials in Western New York. Our product list now includes more than 460 different perennial plants. The majority of these are started from seed in late fall and transplanted in January.

There are many – at least 20! – categories and subcategories of Roses! Read more to learn about what kinds you will be able to at our garden center this year and/or in the future.